
Camelot specific subclasses of Exception

exception camelot.core.exception.CancelRequest[source]

This exception is raised by the GUI when the user wants to cancel an action, this exception is then past to the model thread

exception camelot.core.exception.GuiException[source]

This exception is raised by the Action mechanism when the action requested something from the GUI but an unexpected event occured. The action can choose to ignore it or handle it.

exception camelot.core.exception.UserException(text, title=_('Could not proceed'), icon=None, resolution=None, detail=None)[source]

Raise this exception to inform the user he did something wrong, without showing a stack trace or other internals. Raising this exception won’t log stack traces either, as the occurance of this exception is considered a non-event for the developer:

from camelot.core.exception import UserException
from camelot.core.utils import ugettext

if not dvd.empty:
    raise UserException( ugettext('Could not burn movie to non empty DVD'),
                         resolution = ugettext('Insert an empty DVD and retry') )

Will popup a gentle dialog for the user :

camelot.core.exception.log_programming_error(logger, message, exc_info=None)[source]

Log a programming error and set the the global programming error variable to be able to detect them in unit tests. Programming error logs are generated by Camelot when something goes wrong and Camelot catches the exception and tries to continue. The global flag is set to be able to detect these issues with unit tests.

  • logger – a logging.Logger object
  • message – the message to log
  • exc_info – an exception that was raised