Source code for camelot.container.chartcontainer

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from camelot.container import Container

[docs]class FigureContainer( Container ): """A container that is able to plot itself on a matplotlib figure canvas. Its 'plot_on_figure' method will be called in the gui thread to fill the figure canvas. One figure canvas can contain multiple axes (=sub plots) """ def __init__(self, axes): """ :param axes: a list of AxesContainer objects representing all the subplots, in the form of :: [[ax1, ax2], [ax3, ax4]] """ self.axes = axes
[docs] def plot_on_figure(self, fig): """Draw all axes (sub plots) on a figure canvas""" fig.clear() if self.axes: rows = len(self.axes) cols = len(self.axes[0]) for i,row in enumerate(self.axes): for j,subplot in enumerate(row): n = i*cols + j ax = fig.add_subplot( rows, cols, n+1 ) ax.clear() subplot.plot_on_axes( ax )
[docs]class AxesMethod(object): """Helper class to substitute a method on an Axes object and record its calls""" def __init__(self, method_name, commands): """ :param method_name: the name of the method for which this object is a substitute :param commands: a list in which to store invocations of the method """ self._method_name = method_name self._commands = commands def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """record a call the the substitute method into the commands list""" self._commands.append( (self._method_name, args, kwargs) )
[docs]class AxesContainer( Container ): """A container that is able to generate a plot on a matplotlib axes. Methods can be called on this class as if it were a matplotlib Axes class. All method calls will be recorded. Of course the methods won't return matplotlib objects. The set_auto_legend method can be used to turn legens on without the need for matplotlib objects. """ def __init__(self): """ :param legend: True or False, to put a legend on the chart """ super(AxesContainer, self).__init__() # store all the method calls that need to be called on a # matplotlib axes object in a list self._commands = list() self._auto_legend = False def __getattr__(self, attribute_name): """Suppose the caller wants to call a function on a matplotlib axes object""" return AxesMethod( attribute_name, self._commands )
[docs] def set_auto_legend(self, auto_legend): """Specify if the container should try to put a legend on the plot. :param auto_legend: True or False """ self._auto_legend = auto_legend
[docs] def plot_on_axes(self, ax): """Replay the list of stored commands to the real Axes object""" for name, args, kwargs in self._commands: getattr(ax, name)(*args, **kwargs) if self._auto_legend: handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ax.legend(handles, labels)
[docs]class PlotContainer( AxesContainer ): # this line drives pylint crazy because it need axes to be imported #__doc__ = axes.Axes.plot.__doc__ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """:param *args, **kwargs: the arguments to be passed to the matplotlib plot command""" super(PlotContainer, self).__init__() self.plot( *args, **kwargs )
[docs]class BarContainer( AxesContainer ): # this line drives pylint crazy because it need axes to be imported #__doc__ = def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """:param *args, **kwargs: the arguments to be passed to the matplotlib bar command""" super(BarContainer, self).__init__() *args, **kwargs )
[docs]def structure_to_figure_container( structure ): """Convert a structure to a figure container, if the structure is an instance of a FigureContainer, return as is. If the structure is an instance of an AxesContainer, return a FigureContainer with a single Axes. If the structure is a list, use the structure as a constructor argument for the FigureContainer """ if isinstance(structure, FigureContainer): return structure if isinstance(structure, AxesContainer): return FigureContainer( [[structure]] ) if isinstance(structure, (list, tuple)): return FigureContainer( structure )