
class camelot.view.action_steps.change_object.ChangeField(admin, field_attributes=None, field_name=None)[source]

Pop up a list of fields from an object a user can change. When the user selects a field, an appropriate widget is shown to change the value of that field.

  • admin – the admin of the object of which to change the field
  • field_attributes – a list of field attributes of the fields that can be changed. If None is given, all fields are shown.
  • field_name – the name of the selected field when opening the dialog

This action step returns a tuple with the name of the selected field, and its new value.


create the dialog. this method is used to unit test the action step.

class camelot.view.action_steps.change_object.ChangeFieldDialog(admin, field_attributes, field_name, parent=None, flags=3)[source]

A dialog to change a field of an object.

class camelot.view.action_steps.change_object.ChangeObject(obj, admin=None)[source]

Pop up a form for the user to change an object

  • obj – the object to change
  • admin – an instance of an admin class to use to edit the object, None if the default is to be taken

The text shown in the accept button


The text shown in the reject button


Use this method to get access to the object to change in unit tests

Returns:the object to change

create the dialog. this method is used to unit test the action step.

class camelot.view.action_steps.change_object.ChangeObjectDialog(obj, admin, form_display, columns, form_actions, accept, reject, title=_('Please complete'), subtitle=_('Complete the form and press the OK button'), icon=Icon('tango/22x22/categories/preferences-system.png'), parent=None, flags=3)[source]

A dialog to change an object. This differs from a FormView in that it does not contains Actions, and has an OK button that is enabled when the object is valid.

  • obj – The object to change
  • admin – The admin class used to create a form
class camelot.view.action_steps.change_object.ChangeObjects(objects, admin)[source]

Pop up a list for the user to change objects

  • objects – a list of objects to change
  • admin – an instance of an admin class to use to edit the objects.

This action step can be customised using these attributes :


the window title of the dialog shown


the title of the dialog shown


the subtitle of the dialog shown


the in the top right corner of the dialog


Use this method to get access to the objects to change in unit tests

Returns:the object to change

create the dialog. this method is used to unit test the action step.

class camelot.view.action_steps.change_object.ChangeObjectsDialog(objects, admin, parent=None, flags=1)[source]

A dialog to change a list of objects. This differs from a ListView in that it does not contains Actions, and has an OK button that is enabled when all objects are valid.

  • objects – The object to change
  • admin – The admin class used to create a form