
Various ActionStep subclasses to create and manipulate a form view in the context of the Qt model-view-delegate framework.

class camelot.view.action_steps.form_view.OpenFormView(objects, admin)[source]

Open the form view for a list of objects, in a non blocking way.

  • objects – the list of objects to display in the form view, if objects is set to None, the model of the item view of the gui context is reused
  • admin – the admin class to use to display the form

Which object to display when opening the form, defaults to the first object, so row is 0 by default


A list of camelot.admin.action.base.Action objects to be displayed at the side of the form, this defaults to the ones returned by the admin


A list of camelot.admin.action.base.Action objects to be displayed at the top toolbar of the form, this defaults to the ones returned by the admin


Use this method to get access to the objects to change in unit tests

Returns:the list of objects to display in the form view
class camelot.view.action_steps.form_view.ToFirstForm[source]

Show the first object in the collection in the current form

class camelot.view.action_steps.form_view.ToLastForm[source]

Show the last object in the collection in the current form

class camelot.view.action_steps.form_view.ToNextForm[source]

Show the next object in the collection in the current form

class camelot.view.action_steps.form_view.ToPreviousForm[source]

Show the previous object in the collection in the current form